December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

It's almost 5 am now and i'm blogging.can't get to bed yet :)

3G my dearest butty Juanie just now and It was damn funny la...haha...I've received quite alot of presents and I can't wait to see mama and the rest of my relatives tomorrow. I've still got quite a number of pressies which i've not wrapped up.

Anyways, something happened today which left me crying a lil. Hmmph!!But i'm a big kid now and I guess i've almost forgotten the feeling of crying cause i've been toooo chirpy lately and i'm really glad my colleagues liked their pressies :)

I'm a little tired and i've got to get my butt to my family's chalet tomorrow...I can't believe it's christmas already and next week will be New Year's day. I'm gonna celebrate it with someone ...if i'm not clubbing...My private issues are kinda messed up but honestly, i'm not caring about it cause i've got an even better goal in life.

Anyways, i'm just ranting...oh and Prealin, if you see this, Merry christmas..Hope you'll enjoy your hollies and i would very much love to see you christmas tree if I could fly to Durban.

Merry xmas to all and don't forget to help me click on my advertisement and help me get paid....

Pictures up soon...