Now that i've officially blasted more than _ _ _ _ bucks just for dec, i'll just have to settle for some lesser stuffs for January. I can forsee myself buying makeup and clothes off the shelves like there's no tomorrow.Oh god...Tell me why I'm a female again?
Anyhows, here are some of my presents I got from some of my relatives and friends :)
-La senza nightie
- Cosmetic case
-Choc and more chocolates
- Lots of cash
-Tissue Tofu holder
-Kitty wallet from my couzzy who got it fm Japan. I'm not a fan bt since it's frm him,I Luv it :)
- Bodyshop set
-Fasio makeup set
-Mickey hp strap from Japan
- Models & co Light Lip gloss ( which has a build in light and mirror)
-Dresses (in the box)
- Skinfood Mushroom bb cream
I've still got a bunch of presents not given out yet cause i've hardly had time for meetups and oh another crappy thing, I had mild case of food poisoning on Christmas...haha....anyways, i'm so happy my colleagues liked their individual pressies :)
Some pics at the chalet :)

For some reason, I look abit too cartoonish...I think it's the makeup and the hair. Oh and I'm going to curl my hair cause the ones on the picture was self done :) and that's the dark shade of brown i'm currently having now ( which by the way was also done by me).... Seriously, I think when it comes to colouring, I'm seriously workin it better than the hair stylist.
Anyways, i'm going to have my dinner cause daddy bought me Mac :) and i'm might be going out with the gals laters :)
Ciao !!