Anyways, I've got Chocolates for the relatives as well as Gap Stuffs and American eagle stuffs for my dearest Buddy Juanie.....haha....
Here are some of the special pressies I picked out for the dearest people ...

I'm might be curling my hair soon cause i'm into curls and my hair's pretty long now and i'm not intending to snip my hair off.Seriously not and I've been a good girl this xmas but those fingers can't stop me from lemming on a new...
Wallet...yes....a new pretty wallet....

and oh boy...I so need to go clubbing soon...I've missed out tons of parties and fun...Next stop, I'm going with my girl for some hot fun...I'm not a crazy party creature that some people label me to be and I'm just an average human being who needs some partying with my girls and boys.
I'm missing everyone. Really everyone...I've been thinking of all the happy things in life. Having midnight movies with Marddy and clubbing sessions with Sasa and and having late nights out with Genie and the gang. Having lots of booze and music.I miss everyone from school and there are times i'll get so emo and whiney and cry while thinking of all these fond memories.
Thinking of all the times Kai and I had catching up with Gabby and his gf to crash his house on his birthday and Kai I missed you lots. I just wanna give you a big big big big hug and go feast...I wanna tell Sasa hw much I've missed her and how much I really wished we were as close as when we were in Sec school. I wanna tell Mardy how much I've long to catchup with her to go for more midnight movies and camwhore with her. I'm really emoing cause I need these people in my life. No matter how many new friends i've made, these people are my life.
Sometimes,i'm so disappointed with myself. All I do is work and i've been so lazy to go hangout cause i'll be braindead by then. Sometimes, I regretted not going to school like everyone else is doing but instead taking a private diploma.
Sometimes, I look at my friends who are all enjoying and hanging out at Starbucks all day and slacking in their skinnies and flipflops while i'll be working. Then again, i've got to work cause I don't believe in relying on people. I don't hogg on my parents for cash and I buy whatever I want within my means. I'm not saying that my friends don't do anything but i'm just thinking on whether i'm happy with the route i'm taking.
I'll like to meet my friends in the morning and go for school together. Travel home together and have lunch. Do projects together and bitch about every issue on earth.I missed wearing my school uniform and super ugly socks and shoes...

I'm done with the emoing and i'll start planning my time wisely :(
anyhows, i've got to do the remaining shopping for xmas ......
Have fun yo'll......