Hello people...anyways, went to club with the girls yesterday and guess who we met?Matthew, Davern,Amy and the whole other bunch of guys. So freaking fun. I was like totally happy cause i've got so many things to think of... and yes, I got drunk for the first time. Thanks girls for taking care of me and Matthew who took care of me and helped me up when I kept falling down.
Then again, the turnoff parts was like when this guy, a chinese guy, he followed everywhere when we were on the dance floor. Freaking stupid. He kept dancing and trying to move with the groove and even when the guys tried to block him, he kept coming nearer.
Until, he came up to me. and said, " Hi, can you come over and dance with me and my friends?"
I was like, "Uh no, cause my friends are here and i'm dancing with my friends?"
The skinny guy proceeds to ask again and I totally ignored him.
Matthew was like, " What the fuck he want?Anyone try to anyhow you tell them i'm your boyfriend"
haha...all the girls were like rocking their crazy asses on the dance floor and I swear Amy (Army) is so hot..Love dancing with him and my babes. The best thing, Matthew said that my shoes were pretty and he said that I was ... hehe....
So yeah, I met someone in da club who grabbed my arm and pissed me off. I'm not your typical kind of person. I only club with my friends and no strangers. So what if you know me? It was so silly of your friends following people around and all...
Anyways, had too much to drink with my Matthew... hehe..all that crazy shots and stuffs...
Two crazy guys also approached Sasa and I swear she's effin hot...I love my friends... Anyways, one of the guy, was totally crazy. I can't believe Sasa, you let him bite you..haha...and the stupid guy kept calling me "Precious" cause I was wearing this necklace with the word "Precious" Bloody dumb fella...Sasa, I can't believe you danced with him but than again you guys kinda rocked and Amy (Army) is interested in YOU!See I told you...Anyways, Amy and Matthew can really dance...
After my last tequila shot, I was gone.haha...I wasn't really drunk but my brain was totally gone and i'm sorry Matthew for being so clingy to ya...but I really enjoyed dancing with you and yeah it was a total shock seeing me in a club?haha...You ah, saw me at the entrance don't want to call and waited for fate to bring us together...Yeah fate brought us and allowed us to bump on the dance floor...
The DJs were really cute and all...Amy kept requesting tracks and all the songs were freaking hot RNB songs...Great for crazy dancing...
Lots of photos and stuffs...I'm still kinda brain dead...and i'm going for dinner soon...Zouk soon and all...
I look damn scary here..haha with my bestest of the bestest..
Mardy having fun on the mad dancefloor

Us... ("v")
Getting drunk and high...
Me and My lover...

Mardy getting high...hehe...you ah...so cute...
Mardy you and Matthew looks so hot dancing together la...

Amy you looks to freaking hot when you dance...must learn from you!

Amy and Sasa rocking...omg you two are so effin hot la..and he likes you babe!

My baby girl...

I still look so fair...anyways, I was going going gone!!

Matthew and I..thanks for helping me and taking care of me when I had too much to drink and kept falling all over...haha....

The idiot random guy that kept calling me,"Precious" and who gave a bite to Sasa..Omg..

Tequila shots that got me into tipsy...

At the bar...hehe.. I love you honey bunny...

P.S Genie I wish you were there rocking with us and thanks Sasa and Siti and the guys for the best night ever.
PP.S Miss Pegg Lee, when we going to club?haha
and damn, i'm not tan and dark anymore...i'm becoming fair again...sianz...Cafe Del Mar...soon...