Haha..Yeah me...Got a problem with that?
I have lots of vulgar friends...haha...
Being serious at work...
Anyways, was shopping online, when I saw this dress, I'm not sure if I should get it and I can't be picky cause i've only got a few hours left..My first impression of this dress, Pretty!...haha..but i'm not too sure if it'll be too short for me cause i've got to wear heels..I'll just continue sourcing and finding...If I can't get anything than i'll stick to my initial plan..and I need to get a clutch bag to store my cards and cellphone...damn..

Might be going out later cause I have someone to pick me up..hehe...It's been damn long since I last took the bus and i've got to get my butt to do something. Everyone's busy at work and school and Genie is going to be busy soon...
I'm still thinking of whether I should invest or not..or maybe like what Xian said...I should learn to play shares and that idea can't get out of my bloody mind.
P.S Sasa, we need camwhore tomorrow and I hope we can get our butts to Zouk and MOS?haha..We're such bad influence to Siti and the rest...Damn i'm gonna get Kai to club...Kai please come some time will ya??I'm sure you'll be damn hawt...and one more thing,Sasa, I hope they play Low in da club...It'll be so so so fun...
PP.S Genie, please book the hotel suite for the bunch of us. It'll be so fun..and let's arrange our outdoor party cum barbeque dinner...It'll be food,us and not forgetting Drinks...Damn...I love you people...
PPP.S I chopped off my fringe again...and I look way to kiddy...Damn...I must be nuts...I might be dropping by to see Uncle Kwan ( my ex boss) and the rest of them...Love those people there...
Take care people...have fun...