Wondering wassup with the post tittle? Yeah..I'm tanned...gonna continue tanning until i'm like freaking tan...Had been contemplating with the idea of getting tanned for a long long long long time...
Anyways, guess who came to tan with me?yupp...no need for any more words...I guess...I'm going to make things right with you again baby...I guess though we're different in many many, I repeat, many many ways, i'm glad to have you around...and i'm really glad you came to church with me today... *Smiles*
Makeup-less and stripped down to skin...throw in the tanning oil and the sun!

Kai, i'll go tanning with you soon...alrights?I still love you the same...haha...you're the hottest buddy I have...even hotter than _____ (Kai you should know) Thanks for being that sweety..even though you refuse to club with me...haha...
Had lunch at the poolside restaurant..Great food...
Lobster Bisque...Yummy...
His...Pan-friend dory and squid rings...
Mine..steak and deep fried eggplants...

After tanning for almost 3 hours, we decided to head home and I had to prepare dinner...It was a really hot and sunny day and I had a great tanning buddy...I still look fair on the pictures but i'm freaking tanned now...

Prepared dinner after my shower and it was really fun preparing dinner...I love cooking for my love ones...I'll just let the peektures do the talking...
Piping Hot Clam chowder soup ("v")

Poached salmon and vegetables with cream sauce... ("v")

Day 2 (Sunday)
As you can see, i'm a little darker and i'm getting used to it...I kinda like the sun now...So gonna tan again...After church, we had lunch with my parents and we went to the supermarket to get groceries... Home cooked dinner again... *Winks*
Tanned...Me likey...I should get more friends to tan with me and i'll get them to look like plastic malibu barbies..heh

We had pineapple stewed chicken, stir fried brocolli with garlic and Furong eggs for dinner..While waiting for him to finish his work, I played....Animal Crossing on my DS...so in love with the game...
I'm still waiting for everything to be fixed up... *Hint hint*

Up next, will be the party...Can't wait to see my sexy loves..mwacks...Its Monday tomorrow and i'm not working...Yayee...
Have a great night sleep people!
Love, Phyphy