It's been super long since I last blogged. I've been busy with work and by the time I get home, I usually spend my time online shopping or either blog hopping !!
I love reading blogs and here are a few must reads!!
Tiff's Blog :
She's super duper pretty and has one of the best blogs out there..Her posts are full of gorgeous pictures of her and I so so so love the way she does her make up !! Super good blending skills!!!
Christina's blog :
Super hot mama who has the cutest taste in fashion!!! I've seriously not seen anyone in Singapore who can actually carry out the lip piercing better than this hot mama!!
Suzi's blog :
She's a super cute cupcake living in the UK who has a good taste for fashion and I so so so would kill to have her hair!! Do check out her vids on how she does her hair!Good tutorial.. :)
Kimoko's blog :
Need reviews for skin care products and makeup?? here's one blog you cannot miss!! Super detailed reviews and lots of makeup porn!
Anyways, I've gotten a few products over the month and one of the products which I love alot is definitely the Suntint I got from MAC's Babybloom collection. Though it's not really pigmented, it's really glittery and I love the doe-foot application which is really convenient. Not to forget that it does last and It has SPF 20 to protect my lips! This retails for SGD28 so get yours now!
Last but not least is a Picture of me !! I hate it when my face looks alot fairer than my body but I really did like my hair on that day :) I'm going to bed now cause it's way pass midnight and I need to sleep the eyebags away...

Goodnight babes !! XoXo :)