Anyways, the other day, I decided to Drop by the ION which had just been opened and damn I could sniff out all the Gucci and Louis from far. This building is huge and it has one of the biggest Louis Vuitton boutique in Asia and loads of other Boutiques which I've been eyeing on. I managed to grab a LongChamp bag for one of my colleague as it was her birthday and I managed to get myself a lil ' something along the way!!
I was amazed to see how big the Sephora was and I managed to get my Too Faced Eyeshadow insurance which I wanted to try as there were tons of good reviews about it online and I had been on the waiting list for about 5 months as the other Sephora was always sold out and there was a super long waiting list.
Overall, I like this product as i've tried it only once and I must say that my eyeshadow stayed the whole day and didn't crease not a single bit. Blending was also much easier as it made my eyelid alot smoother than other primers.I got it for $28.00 which is qute reasonable.I'm planning on stocking up as it's gonna be sold out again very soon...
The only disappointing thing was that the only new brand they brought in was Smashbox and there wasn't any Nars or Urban decay which I've been really lemming for. It kinda sucks having to buy everything online at times.
Anyways, I've also been using the ZA pore smoother which I bought a month ago. Overall, this product is alright and it does help cover up my pores but this is definitely not as good as the Primer from Smashbox which is now available in Singapore at $75 which is a lil pricey for a primer. I guess i'll be buying my smashbox primer online instead of getting it here :(

I can't wait to do more shopping at the ION as the other day I went there too late and there wasn't much time to do major shopping :( Anyways, i'm gonna go get some rest first as i've got to go back to office tomorrow and I do need plenty of rest. Take care ya'll and drink plenty of water as the viruses are running amock these days!!
Xoxoxo :)