Anyways, i'll let the peekstures do the talking for me :)

Sasha and her drinks :)

Kai Kai and Me...Pardon the sleepy face..I rushed from office...

I love my biatch...Clubbing soon?

I miss the big group that we used to have. The old days when we would skip school together and hangout at Kai's place. The times, we skipped holiday classes and nearly got expelled from school and the times we fought...
I'll miss the happy times and the sad times we had...The ones that made my school life complete and the ones who were always there for me. Kai, who accompanied me the time when I was really sick and Sasha who was always there for me when I cried and brokedown. The one who accompanied me to get my bitch hair done and the one who would club and psycho me to smoke sheesha and SKL.
No matter how shitty life is, I guess it's really a good thing to have people who love you...for who you are...
Talking,about shitty, I've seriously been eating lots of junk. Try having Burger King for 4 days in a row. I've got to start forcing myself to eat, cause i'm super shrinking. While other girls are battling to lose weight, i'm struggling to put on weight. I'm sick and tired of Topshop not carrying enough sizes for people like me! Damn...
Anyways, here are some of my new recent loots besides the Hello Kitty collection :)
-Dress from mommy
- Black button down dress and lacy stuffs
-Cigrette case & light from Sasa (I don't smoke tho so i'm using this as my card holder)
Above :- My loots with toothy tan :)
-Garnier Night peeling cream ( i've nt really used it so i'll do a review later)
-Taiwan VIVI magazine
-BodyShop Skincare set (for Mommy)
-Magic peeling cream from Etude ( Swear by this )
-Skinfood Ginko BB cream ( My 2nd tube)
-Loreal Night serum ( which I so bloody love now!!)
-Majorica mascara 3rd generation (Not available in Singapore)
-Etude Orgel highlighter
-Coral lipstick from Rimmel ( My current loves after reading all the raves)
-Eucerin cleanser
-Top from Mango
-Etude shimmer Eyestick
- Cheek patch mask from Skinfood :)
I'll do my makeup reviews soon :) anyways, help me to click on my ads and have a great weekend people !!
Ciao and ignore the plaster on my arm :)