It's just that i've been very very tired and worn out with too many things happening.
Yes it's true that I might not be holding a job that pays me 10 , 000 a month but that doesn't mean the things I buy which are a lil costly are paid by my parents.
I take my parents out and do almost everything and get them almost everything they like as a small gift from me. People, tell me things like ,"If I have a daughter like you, i'll be so sad" oh and to top it off, I told my dad that and you know what he said? He said," Tell them to talk to me if they ever say that again" My dad even wanted to give me credit card but I told him I don't need one when I can pay by bills in cash and by my own.
I'm also sake and tired of people telling me like I have boyfriends that buy me lots of things and drive me around like a brat. Let me clarify this to you people, I don't need a boyfriend to drive me around cause I can fucking afford cabs and I don't need to a boyfriend to buy me things cause i've buy most of my things myself. Thoe whole bloody point is that I do not rely on anyone and I'm happy as it is.
I've been keeping a rather quiet and simple life lately as I am very busy and I need rest and space alone. I don't mind sharing my things or tips with people but I do not like it when people bombard me with the price and stuffs like that. Yes, I can spend almost $1000 + on my cosmetics but thats my business and I DO NOT OWE ANYONE AN EXPLANATION cause i'm just an average kid who wants more and who works hard. So get that into your bloody brain!
I'm just pissed and i'm going to have my binge food now to comfort the hell out of me.