I'm officially going to find a Malaysian Bf..haha..Guess what? I went to JB again yesterday and I had dinner twice and shopping :]

Yes and I'm currently reading this book I bought lastnight...Really want some time alone with just my book and a cup of tea ... I hardly have the time to breathe and this is what I wanna do :)
Babe's going to Sydney on Tuesday and texas too. I can't wait to go with Toothy to Taiwan. We're all planning our own trips and I plan to be outta here on my Birthday. Hopefully to somewhere peaceful and quiet.
I'm planning to keep a quiet and slow paced life cause I seriously think the hectic life is something not for me. Anyways, couzzy is in Japan now.
Crap...Everyone's travelling and I need to go for another short vacation. Just with the people I love. That's all....Can't really be bothered to think of anything else.
Oh and Christmas is coming :)
I'm gonna get all my x'mas presents and this year i'm going to save up my bonus for a good re-treat. haha...I know , I'm nuts. I've already blasted enough money to buy a Gucci Bag.
Anyways, i'm going to cook my yummy dried scallop and chicken porridge and maybe go out to grab some stuffs.
Oh and I have close to 30 or 40 pieces of masks :) Shall do a mini facial before I leave...Life is such a bliss...
Anyone wanna go to Shanghai or Taiwan??and Sasa please start saving money cause i'm might be celebrating my birthday at Bangkok. Hahaha....
Better stop giving me excuses sweetie...Hmmm I rather get drunk with hot Thai boys than waste that precious day being pissed drunk in some dumb club in Singapore...haha....
I love you and will call you laters....to talk about your Chinese hottie pie....Muacks
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