Haha..I'm so sleepy..I fell asleep like a lamb all the way from lastnight till afternoon. I'm so sleepy and i've been trying hard to keep my eyes opened.
Anyways, i've been doing crazy heavy shopping and here are a bunch of stuffs I got :
- Taiwan Beauty Diary Masks
-Za Whitening Moisturiser and face wash
-Nuteen Gel
-Nexcare patches
-Cute Bunny rubber band (which cause close to $4 bucks) haha
-Neutrogena Masks
-Floral dress
-Revlon Liquid Molten Bronze Eyeshadow
-Multi purpose lens solutions
-Pearls stickers

I'm starting to think that I've got nothing better to do and guess what, I used the pearl stickers to "Zheng" my slippers...haha..I'm cooking dinner tonight too ... and running some errands. Sometimes, I really think I'm going through a Love-Hate cycle.
There are many things, I'll like to do and stop doing but than again, sometimes, I just love the wrong stuffs and totally hate the good stuffs. haha..I'm effin random.I'm so eggcited to do my hair and I think I might want to highlight some purple or blond streaks.
I'm kinda lazy to blog so yeah...haha...See you people around....
For now, i've got to get my ass moving and hit the supermarkets...Where typical aunties who are quite mean and rude will be...and not to forget the screaming bratty kids who will be at the supermarket fighting with their siblings over who gets to push the trolly..
I guess my only escape will be the loud music from my blasting earphones and my totally washedout brain :p

tulus....and muacks and fabby hugs....