Kai, picked me up from work and we went shopping for Gabby's Pressie... After walking for sometime, Kai and I decided to head to Action City and guess what?I did the worse thing ever..Kai Psychoed me to buy this fugly looking stuff toy...

Apparently after walking for 2hours, we finally realised that we've know Gabby for like more than 5 years and we don't even know what he likes. Gabby likes shoes by the way but they've already gotten him a pair of limited edition Nike shoes :)
So, we decided to settle on the pig. However, being Kai, He suggested that we bought all the remaining pigs left on the shelf. So since, there were only 3 left. I bought all 3 Pigs. Yes. All 3 Pigs and to top it of, these 3 pigs have names.
Kai, Phy and Gabby...
Wow how nice. I'm a pig...
Anyways, i'll continue blogging abt the Birthday Suprise Part cause I don't have any photos except a stupid video we took which I might upload :X
I really enjoyed lastnight so much. I kept thinking about all the times we got into trouble together and stuffs like that. I really wished that Ethan would come cause I so miss his freaking handsome face and I miss Rachiie too...All the times, we had in school. Even though, I never really did like school and I really hated for being caught for the most stupid reasons, school was really a place where I made friends who've made a huge impact on my life...
All, I can say, is that most of us have gone our separate ways, those that did well, moved on to further their studies. Some went to Poly and some to JC or ITE. Some went straight to private schools or straight to NS. Some of them, Like me, ended up working and schooling...
I'm really happy with my life now and all the people around me. Nothing beats having good friends like them. All the times, they stood by me and all the times they encouraged me. Especially, Kai,Mardy and Sasa whose always been there for me. Constantly telling me that life would be happier and better...
I'm really happy with everything i've got now. I've got nothing to bitch about my life. Maybe once in a blue moon... I've got problems too but nothing is impossible and you'll never know unless you try hard enough...
Right now, my only goal is to travel and I really hope Kai and I can get our butts to Amsterdam and Smoke Weed...haha...I'm joking.. No weed for us...We don't need weed to be high...haha...Right Kai??I swear I love this boy so much!!
Oh, and Lastnight I found out that Mdm Chen is in freaking HONG KONG!!!CAN??I'm so gonna text her and I'm so so so so so gonna fly with ______ to HK and maybe find Mdm Chen there. Can?
By the way, I just called Carol. We're so freaking gg to KL and she's taking me to Genting with Serwee... I'm so excited cause it'll be our first trip together and i'm gonna take a train to KL. So exciting cause i've never took a train before and we're going shopping!!!!can???What more can I ask for...I'll be away at the end of the month. No phonecalls. No text messages. Just Phy, Carol & Ser Wee on a nice mini trip :)
Super happy kays?I'm so gonna start travelling cause I also need to shop for ______....haha..only the closest people know.
I'm so happy and I can just die...I've got alot of things to blog about but i'm going to take a break...Anyways, i'm going shopping now for my room stuffs and I need to get more shoes please...I wanna buy boots cause i'm gonna wear them with skinny jeans and a baby tee to Genting.
I've got to repeat this again, "I'm so Happy!!I can Just die!!"
Before, I go, Look what I did to the pig and my boy's Iphone??

And I'm so happy.. Gabby's Gf said that out of all my schoolmates, I'm the one that changed the most. Haha..So happy..I can just die...This is me now...haha...
That's Gabby, Me, Kai :)
Everyone has their Ugly photos..haha ^_^
I swear I looked like crap...

This is Me Now!! :)

Anyways, Bye people!!I can't wait for the bunch of birthday invites i've got this month :)