June 8, 2008

You're my baby Girl...I love you...

Just got back from Church. Yeah...I went to church and i'm glad I went cause I found and got my answer to solve all my problems. I did. I really did....It's kinda funny...Like god knew all the questions and problems racing in this tiny lil' brain of mine...

Anyways, chilled out with my buddy yesterday.. came home around 3 plus 4 in the morning and we're both able to get our asses up this morning...haha....She came over my place in the early afternoon as she didn't need to work and we chilled and killed like freaking 2 over hours as we couldn't go out....I had to send Kenny for his grooming at 4pm and it'll be a hassle to carry the doggy to and fro.

We took out my year books and started bitching. Bitching about the teachers and some weird people from our school and the hot guys and also the people who we met after we graduated....It's kinda funny re-living the past....

Anyways, around 3.45, we grabbed the doggy and sent him for grooming. Thank goodness Daddy offered to pick kenny up at 6pm so that Siti and I could just do whatever we wanted to =)

So off we headed to Town. Went for dinner at Ayam Penyet and we were just enjoying the food...Hope you like dinner baby!I sure hope the chilli was hot enough for you...haha...

Went to Takashimaya and we saw a toy sale. Got this CareBear for my dearie...Hope it'll company you wherever you go...

Our initial plan was to go clubbing once Sasa touched down from Aussie Land. However, we knew we were all too shagged to club....So we decided to catch Sex And The City. On the way, we dropped by Cotton On and we got ourselves Lingerie...hehe....Cute and lacy ones...Me likey....hehe... and not forgetting my Butterfly bangle from TopShop...I like like like....

By the time, we got to the cinema, every show was selling out fast so we made our way back to Yishun and decided to catch the midnight slot. Chilled out at Mc Cafe and got our tickets.We had freaking an hour plus to kill so we went to Siti's house (Since her family went to JB) and I collapsed on her all-so-nice-and-comfy-couch. Seriously, if i wanted to steal something from her home, it'll be her couch.It's so freaking nice!!!

Siti woke me up and looking really stone and slow mo, I crawled my way back to the Cinema and we caught the movie.

The movie, was freaking awesome and sexy. The show made me realise that we should treasure our partners, be it good or bad. I loved every character in the movie and it was so touching to see Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker,the main star) being able to have 3 good friends who would never think of harming or competing with you and who would put you as a piority when you just had a break up,without the slightest bit of biasness or favouring towards anyone in the group.

The show was just amazing and It made me feel all girly and fuzzy...Right now, i'm just waiting for baby to fly back with all my presents and he bought me Victoria Secrets stuffs too!!So happy...

Baby..no matter how crappy life is or whatever happens, I'm going to be here...It's never smooth sailing and i'm sorry for always talking about work work work and always dozing off to bed without giving you your goodnight kisses like how I used to and always making dinners quick and snappy..

I'm sorry and i'm working on it....

I love you....

Might be going out to meet John for coffee...Tata people...