I really collapsed...I think i've got enough of stress...What's all the fuss about having the cash and all when i'm dying here....
Baby and mom sent me to TTSH emergency ward and I had a nervous breakdown and my body was not able to take it...I'm on sleeping pills and I woke up this morning with my mind hurting whenever I forced myself to think of something....
I'm so so so upset....
really really upset...
Anyways, i'm glad baby's here and he's going to BKK this Saturday while my baby gurl's coming back from Aussie Land and I promised her i'll go club with her....I won't drink cause i'll just die there....
Anyways, i'm moving on with my life and no matter how screwed stressed I am, i'm moving on....
I'll still push myself even more until I succeed...
Here are some long ago peektures...

Me in with my geeky specs....Me love....
Anyways, i'm going to catch some rest and recupperate...mwacks...