Anyways, went out with Mr Moody for dinner. He was feeling really crappy cause he was sick and since I already had dinner, I decided to just accompany him. Hey Mr Moody, you and KC will get better kays?
Bought barley and some ginseng tea thingy for him and we chilled at Starbucks. Using his mini phone and surfing on Friendster to find Monster's picture. Oh Man...Mr Moody, you were so right...Don't worry ... i'm sure KC can tell that her bf is way way way better than Monster..
Took a long walk home with Mr Moody and dropped my cheque off. It was raining and thank god I brought my ever-super-cute umbrella. The sad thing, is that Mr Moody thinks it's some Anna and the King Umbrella and says that it's super auntie.Oh man..It's not Aunty at all. It's so pretty and it has pretty pink stars all over it.
Came home and had a chat with Panda cause Panda's going for a business trip in BKK. I hope you ace your presentation kays?
I'm sitting here listening to Fergie.How nice can that get and I have tons of unreplied smses as i'm simply too too too too lazy.
Might be meeting Mr Moody again...not sure yet though...
Anyways, was staring at my Picasa folder and I found so many old photos. Trust me I have at least a thousand over photos that have are dated a few centuries back...haha...
Dark brown hair suits me best. I love this pic so much...Me and my bestie and I loved that dress so very much...

Going for dinner later...tata...
Love, Phy