Super wordy post. Don't bother reading if yr not interested
Today wasn't as bad as I thought.Had a good crap session with my cupcake lastnight and I had lunch with Baby. Baby's so damn cute. I love love love love him.Even though he wants to have an affair with Ruby (He's godmother's Dog) =/
Anyways, lots of things I did today.
After work, i had this huge strong urge to drop by Diva.No girl can actually resist pretty accesories (At least for the girls I know ) Anyways, and I spent only $40.00 for a whole loot of pretty accesories. *Smiles*
I bet the shop assistants thought I was nuts. Anyways, I bought a tinkerbell Necklace for my cupcake and decided that I die die also have to meet her today. So, being a nice friend she agreed and we decided to grab a cuppa and chill out.
However, things changed and a drink became our dinner. We had Ayam Penyet.For those who don't know what's that, you should bang your head against the wall and just die. (Don't bother asking why) Food was great and we decided to shop.
You can never put cuppycake and me together because it'll simply be a disaster... =/
So off we left our lazy bums to Watsons. Seriously, never underestimate Watsons.We girls can practically live there, camp there and just stay there for eternity.
Cuppycake bought tons of products for only $1.95 each and in the end it became a wopping $40.00. Imagine how many tiny little bottle of products she bought. Oh wells.I'm not that good either...
Alrights enough of the wordy thang thang....Photos photos..
Super Cheap super Nice.Oh wells =)
Look how long the receipt is...
Aloe Vera Gel.Super nice super efficient.Don't bother asking why.
Best thing, it's freaking cheap
Hair wax.Cuppycake bought hers for Volume while I bought this for Shine.
I swear i'll never finish this tub as I've still got another one for Curls which has been sitting on my shelf for almost 3 years(Disgusting I know) It prolly smells like crap by nw

Lashies. Enough Said.It's a necessity.I hate mascara.It's smelly and gross.It's like blended black moss of something =(
The Box Says it's all. Cheap and efficient.Me Like.
I'm a happy bean. Anyways, another place called me up. I'm not able to say anything much on my blog but I'm still in a huge dilemma. I'm just wishing that everything will be fine. I'll miss Uncle Kwan (My current Boss) cause he's like daddy to me. A stern yet cute Daddy.
No matter how blur or twitzy I am, he's always there to push me and I know that where I am today is through the opportunities he's given me. I know I'm letting him down in one way or another and i'm really not sure what to do now.Without him, I would have never known about Isotanks and shipping.I would have never learnt to be independant and I would have never gotten to ch
One thing's for sure, i'll always remember what he said to me.
"Aim for the Moon.If you miss, you'll reach somewhere among the stars."
I don't know what's going to happen within the next few months but i'm hoping things will be good.On top of that, I'm happy to have Cuppycake who listens to all my insy winsy whinning and who cares for me so much.
Not to Forget my dearest baby.Who never failed to be there for me. I love you always baby..Anyways, baby's coming up to my place to have Hor Fun with me.I know.I'm getting fat and baby keeps squeezing my fats outta me.I'm on medication so too bad =(
Anyways, I'm off to Visit baby's Godma tomorrow as my dearest Colleague helped me to get some freaking nice Kueh Lapis from MEDAN.Bye bye Lousy Singapore ones.
okays, off to shower now as baby's gonna reach here in ten minutes time and he'll force me to shower before I can even smell my Horfun...
Goodnights people.Love love