("v") I'm in love love love...("v")
Happy birthday Peg Peg.You're the best tanning partner and the best smoking buddy.Too bad i've already ditched the habbit =)
The Box Says it's all. Cheap and efficient.Me Like.
I'm a happy bean. Anyways, another place called me up. I'm not able to say anything much on my blog but I'm still in a huge dilemma. I'm just wishing that everything will be fine. I'll miss Uncle Kwan (My current Boss) cause he's like daddy to me. A stern yet cute Daddy.
No matter how blur or twitzy I am, he's always there to push me and I know that where I am today is through the opportunities he's given me. I know I'm letting him down in one way or another and i'm really not sure what to do now.Without him, I would have never known about Isotanks and shipping.I would have never learnt to be independant and I would have never gotten to ch
One thing's for sure, i'll always remember what he said to me.
"Aim for the Moon.If you miss, you'll reach somewhere among the stars."
I don't know what's going to happen within the next few months but i'm hoping things will be good.On top of that, I'm happy to have Cuppycake who listens to all my insy winsy whinning and who cares for me so much.
Not to Forget my dearest baby.Who never failed to be there for me. I love you always baby..Anyways, baby's coming up to my place to have Hor Fun with me.I know.I'm getting fat and baby keeps squeezing my fats outta me.I'm on medication so too bad =(
Anyways, I'm off to Visit baby's Godma tomorrow as my dearest Colleague helped me to get some freaking nice Kueh Lapis from MEDAN.Bye bye Lousy Singapore ones.
okays, off to shower now as baby's gonna reach here in ten minutes time and he'll force me to shower before I can even smell my Horfun...
Goodnights people.Love love
*As close friends watched with closed mouths on how everything fell apart*
There are somethings that I'm looking forward to and some which i'm not even ready to look forward to. Firstly, there's Valentine's Day. I'm really excited about spending that special Day with my baby boy.Secondly, I'm moving on to a better job and i'm hoping to meet new people (Hopefully Nice people) and I'm going to climb my way through everything. Thirdly, I'm looking forward to more and more clubbing sessions with my baby girls and lastly, it's MaoMao's Birthday.
Chinese New Year, is almost over and It wasn't as bad as I thought.At least I got to see my relatives and my cousins. I also went to visit Baby's Godparents and we had a great dinner. Really really nice dinner.I love love love Baby's family especially his Godpa whose super Funny and of course Baby's smallest Aunty whose so so so so so so so so so so Sweet and nice and there's Ruby, the Dog which is of course adorable but a little greedy though. =/ oh wells I guess most dogs are like that.
Anyways, the saddest thing that happened was losing all my contacts on my celly.Oh wells the phone died on me and now i'm only left with less than 10 contacts on my hp.Apparently, those are the only numbers which I remember in my Head.
I guess i've gotta get a new Phone and get my hair done too!Not to forget i've got to shop for Baby and run some errands for him.I'm loving him so much cause he's too cute.Baby and I have been through too much to even imagine and I'm glad that i've got him and he's got me.
I can't bother to care too much about the other issues of my life yet as i'm just tooo tooo tooo damn lazy to do so.At least, i've got my lazy bum up to do up my resume and clear up my desk and I'm certainly quite happy about it.
Alrights, i'm going to bed now and wait till someone calls me and wakes my lazy ass up.I hardly get up when i'm sleepy and people like Baby would know that very well. I'm sure I never fail to amaze the people who were talking to me the last few minutes before I fall asleep as I never fail to entertain them when I start talking rubbish.
Anyways, I shall end this long boring post and you people should go do something worth your afternoon.Go tan in the rain or maybe go fall in love or something like that.
Ciaos! ("v")