July 28, 2008
I'm nuts...but i'm happy...who cares...I don't care and soon i'll be back to school =) and Design classes at night and clubbing during the weekends...I'm happy...Can?
Not going to blog tonight...becos I can't contain all my happiness...Omg i'm sucha loser...hehe...
July 27, 2008
Everyone's sick
Anyways, my i'm becoming even more random as the days pass...My obsession for Cinamaroll is almost fading and i'm in love with something else. Told baby, i'm gonna order it from Ebay.I'm seriously crazy cause i've got nothing better to do.
I'm off to meet baby and we're both having duck porridge cause we're both sick...
So bored...really bored...and I can't believe I actually spend 3-4 hours playing a stupid game and eventually spending another 1 hour trying to complete the same task. I'm seriously nuts. I'm so sick of buying the same stuffs. Maybe I should start spening money on games or stuffs that would keep me occupied...for awhile...I'm nuts la...
and i've been planning something for that special twit..hehe...
and i can't believe my brother pierced his septum...oh my...
July 26, 2008
Let's just say everything happens for a Reason
Came home at around 2am lastnight.Met ___ for movie and dinner and bought him J.Co.haha...Had fun but kinda dozed off during certain parts of the movie.Something made me quite pissed off at 2 plus in the morning and I couldn't even be bothered.I just went off to bed...
No time for mediocre people...
My schedules are always packed and it's good to be packed.Night classes for design will start soon!Once, i've got my registration done.I hope I will be a good girl and go for all the classes cause it's gonna benefit me..I hope...
and i'm happy for daddy when he came out on the Singapore Food Festival Mag. I'm so proud of my dad cause he's different and he's amazing. Anyways, i'm having Baccon and Sausage cream of Pasta tonight!Will blog again laters...Muacks...
In the mean time, i'm gonna play "The World Ends With You" I'm crazy over games and stuffs la..omg...this is what you do at home...
July 24, 2008

haha...Watched The Dark Knight already =) so happy cause I watched it with baby...and omg, i'm like bloody sleepy la...
Clubbing soon Kays Genie? and more fun...
Dinner soon Mr.Moody...I want Fish Soup and Rice..and Starbucks...and Sasa...I miss you.I've been bloody busted la by not answering calls and replying smses. Please forgive me kays?Cause i've been really tired and tied up with more stuffs...
Baby and I are going to have a celebration and i'm buying him this...

cause he likes it alot...and I'm just happy with some stuffs. No more crazy random mood swings and I need the holiday.Since the parents are busy, I'll plan my own...haha..Bintan I guess?A shortgetaway where I can just tan and have dinner by the beach...
Anyways, I wanna go sleep...Very tired...photos soon...I promise =X
and once again, I blew the bank account...haha...Going to spend $80 to buy Guitar Heroes Console and maybe a Nintendo WII?Or If I go mad i'll buy a playstation or what..I'm damn bored...Damn
July 21, 2008
Baby...I'm gonna get your present soon...love love...
July 20, 2008
Smile to yourself
So yupp, as usual I was the last one they picked as they knew I'll take a long time to prepare. Anyways, just as I was going to wear my pretty shoes, I stepped on some glass and had a cut. Crap...and everyone was waiting and hurrying me to get my butt downstairs...
Met them and they were like, "Wassup with that bag?"haha...
Off we went to the dam and started drinking. We met Anz's Friends and we were all having fun with the drinks and chips and bitching. We kinda got carried away. Not too long later, rats apparently started running all over the place and they kept squeaking..Obviously, the rats stirred up a crazy frenzy. I started screaming like i'd never screamed before.
I was running from them and being too excited, I kinda scraped my knee on the concrete floor. Super ouch..Bloody rats...I was so pissed and Genie tried to make things better when she said, "Babes, just think of the rats as Ratatouille...so cute!"
Damn, I nearly choked on my drink when I heard that...After chilling out till about 2am, we head to pack supper and off it was to Peg's house at Woodlands. Had lots of fun hanging out at her place and we were like doing crazy stuffs. Had Beehoon and Chicken wings for supper...Super sinful treats...

Crazy girls at 2am...

At Peg's House...
Peggy's Little Don...
Got home around 4am and slept. I was suppose to go to church and I woke baby up at 9am and fell back to bed..The little boy bought me MacGriddles for breakfast and didn't buy anything for himself.Being nice,I cooked him some breakfast and we watched a couple of movies...
My baby waiting for me to prepare for dinner...
We took a nap in the afternoon and we had dinner at central cause I needed to get some stuffs for Guy's Pressie as he's flying off tomorrow afternoon. Back to Melbourne for his studies.I'm gonna miss him big time for sure....
Oh wells...and I showered Kenny today cause he's too smelly. Alright's i'm freaking tired and i've got so many things not done.Going to get Guy's present done and also have some rest...
We're planning a short vacation and being bloody random, I might just plan a random weekend holiday to somewhere nearby =)
Goodnights people!Mwacks!
July 19, 2008
Vodka,Baileys,HoeGaarden,Barcardi,Cordon Bleu....and chips....and bitching...oh wells...hmmm...I Spell F-U-N!
Bye peeps!Have a great Saturday!!
July 17, 2008
I'm staying home maybe on Sunday, with baby to do the renovations...haha...
Many many plans and lots of work...new concepts and ideas...My brain's not really working these days and trust me, it has nothing,absolutely nothing with alcohol. Although, I'm a little stoned from the Vodka I had earlier on...
Sometimes, when you're super tired and yet you're not able to fall asleep, the best thing to do is take some alcohol, listen to some nice classical music and doze off...I'm very,trust me when I say Very,very tired and i'll do my uploading tomorrow or some other day...
Anyways, i'm very sleepy now...Going off to bed...
It's Alvin Ho's bdae this Friday...don't know whether to go to his party at __ ______ as I don't want to have a hangover cause i've got some plans on Saturday. So yupp...haha...once again, i'm expecting another hectic weekend...
Till then, Love you guys and goodnights!
July 15, 2008
Every second and minute...
Can't wait for a BBQ session with my friends...This Saturday, daddy is gonna perform his stuffs and i'm so proud of my daddy cause he's always there to support me and make me smile...Meeting baby tomorrow and gonna have fun...
Live life!Love Life!
and I need more drinks....

and a big thankyou to my daddy up there for watching over me and helping me through it all.I'm happy not because of the compliments but because I know you're always here and making me feel safe.
Maybe,it was because of ____ that I felt that the world didn't have nice people. Now,I know, that no matter how bad it is, nice and beautiful people are everywhere...
Goodnights people...will update tomorrow morning =)
July 14, 2008
Crap,Sasa,we're going to ____ to club. For sure...and please buy my liquor when you fly back. Not forgetting,thanks for the gift my dear.Small or big is something to me.I love you...
Okies, going for dinner now...damn tired...hmmm i'm bloody random. Look out for the crazy barbeque i'm going to plan with Genie.Make sure you people drink till your hearts content..haha..
July 13, 2008

We are writing from CozyCot, Singapore Number 1 women's site. We are searching on Internet every day for interesting blogs to recommend to our members and we found yours. We like it and we think your blog is a place where Cotters (CozyCot members) would like to read too.
Do you want instant recognition, instant increase in traffic to your blog/website and get products at no cost? If you do, this email contains a rare opportunity for you to do so. Read on.
CozyCot Crew
haha....what a nice suprise...hmmm I was like browsing through my mails and I saw this...haha...anyways, i've got no much plans for Sundays =)
I guess i'll be meeting the girls for food and all..
Enjoy your Sunday Guys!!
muacks xoxoxo...
P.S sasa,I'm missing Alistair. Alistair if you're seeing this, msn me or drop me an email. I'll like to know when you're coming back from Aussie...
July 12, 2008
I want want want

Till then, let's wait till this pair becomes part of my babies...Damn..Lots of new RNB songs out now and that means more fun and alcohol. I wanna do a outdoor barbeque with my friends when they're all free...It's just be us,food and drinks...
This is life. okays and most people think that I can't study for nuts. I used to be labelled Bimbo in sec school and as you can see i'm not a bloody bimbo. I have a brains which I use only when I feel like. I'm just fed up when some people think i'm brainless and make comments on me being thin. Damn, I love being thin. I've got nothing against _ _ _ people. But, damn you people should lose weight first before commenting about me.
It's bloody rude and annoying. Didn't your mother teach you manners?Your mother must prolly be just as _ _ _ as you. I can't say the word cause it makes me feel so sick and the word itself makes me sick and throw up. I cannot imagine me being _ _ _. Hell no...
Anyways, I like skinny and I like skinny people. I've got friends who are on the bigger side but they're fucking hot people who got the looks. So you people who love to make nasty comments on others better stay home and lock yourself up and stop hurting other people. Cause you are the one thats freaking ugly and _ _ _.
I'm not saying that my friends are the only hottest people on earth but hey at least we leave people alone. One more thing, I love wearing shorts and because I'm tall and my shorts look damn short on me doesn't mean i'm a bitch or what okay!Damn!You should think if you can fit into my shorts and for your information, I wear a size "L" for short cause of my hips and i'm sad cause i'm wearing and "L" but you know what?You sad people should be sadder cause you can't even fit into my shorts!!!!
So, leave me alone and stop commenting that i'm thin and all that crap. I'm not anorexic or bulimic so freaking leave me alone.Damn..I can't help but rant...
You people just can't get enough of juicy crap.huh??
Cooking and love
It's like amazing. You feel like you've got good aura all around you. Mr Moody text me and yupp it's been so long since we had a long decent conversation. Watched Hellboy 2 the other day and it was pretty good. I enjoyed the some parts but not all...

Always soak the scallops to remove all excess dirt and all...
Boil your porridge and when it's boiling, place the scallops first. Cause dried scallops take a longer time to soften and than lastly, once all the grains have broken down, place the chicken and the spring onions last. For seasoning, you can put anything to your preference. I usually like vegetable stock, a little oyster sauce and pepper!
I usually cook only when i'm sick and tired of eating out. Yes, I'm always eating out and there are times, you just feel like you had enough of all that junk. People who know me really well, usually know that I prefer to be a hommie person. I love chilling out with my glasses and just lazing around. Haha...or doing my usual facial routine at home. I like chilling out alone at times. Getting away from all the buzz and fuss that everyone lives in. Life's not just a shit hole. Unless, you make it like one.
Ooh and someone bought me this little bear. It's so nice and huggable =) I'm just a happy bean. What can be more better than having a little companion with you everynight. I like coming home to my bed cause it's so nice and soft. The way I like it...
Something from Xian's Sister...BodyShop *smiles*
Me after a very very very long day. Yes, my day starts early and ends so freaking late. So many things to do. I need to go to the libary and get some books and etc. Not today though, cause it's my day and i'm just gonna relax and enjoy my entire day...
Me after a long day and cooking in the kitchen *Tired*
I know i'm freaking fair. Yes, a tan soon...The thing is that I've got no time to tan. I've got to gym soon and all. Freaking so many plans to do. Offers offers...I'm waiting...haha... I'm missing my baby girl. Alot. Alot. Baby, forget Knuckles and move on yeah?I'm here for ya..cause you're my baby.For 7 yrs and counting...
and shit, I've spend almost a few hundred on accesories. I'm crazy cause i've got at least a few hundred earrings and necklaces. I want more makeup too!I'm seriously crazy...Dad thinks i'm crazy too cause the amount of shoes i've got is enough to trample someone to death.haha...
Got to go shower and prepare for my other programmes of the day...Have fun people...meet ups soon kays?My long lost friends...Can't wait to see you guys...I'm so happy..meet ups for dinners kays?Even though we're busy, we've still gotta eat...and Kai, when are you meeting me??Huh?
God, please let me stay this way.
July 9, 2008
Very busy

July 8, 2008
Happy Vibes
Feeling all the happy vibes and having happy people around me makes life so much happy. Gone are the sad days feel with sorrow and misery.So happy. Had dinner with Guy and yes, his name is "Guy" and he's going back to Aussie soon...so sad...I'm just so freaking happy cause it feels awesome to be somewhere.
Anyways, my fat boy not very slim must be sleeping and we're hanging out this Friday!Yayyee...Going to watch movie again!! Called ___ today..haha miss tt guy man!!
I'll will blog soon again and with pictures...hmmm with pictures but not too many..Too many people are recognizing me on the streets...haha...nice to meet you people but I need some privacy alrights?
Have fun people!!Love ya lots...
Sasa, clubbing next week...or at least soon?Love ya baby cuppycake!
and would someone be so nice to buy an Iphone or I touch for me?hurhur...so tired..night night!

July 6, 2008
3 words,8 letter,one meaning
The sweetest darkness in your eyes
Anyways, i'm meeting Genie baby now and yes, we're over. Don't bother poking your nose into my business. Guess everyone's happier this way. More clubbings soon and girly outings.
I'm going for dinner now...byebye...
Pops and prances

Ended up,dining at some Japanese restaurant. Food was pretty good but i'll definitely not return to that place. I don't find it good enough.So yupp, you get my point. Had Ben and Jerry's after dinner and baby and I took our ice creams and sat outside. A nice place facing the sea. We had fun crapping and laughing. I told him, I still remembered the first time we hung out together at Vivo.

My yummy Japanese curry katsu don =)
Too tired and feeling all nice in baby's jacket...

It's going to be 1am soon and i've got to go to church tomorrow. So happy *Smiles*I might be closing my blog soon or changing it to some other place where I can lock my journal. Too many people intruding into my life. I need some privacy too!Apparently, I have a life. So if you've read my blog or if you're still reading, not to be rude but please do not ask me anything about my life or whatsoever. I am a human being just like you...I don't think anyone would like to be questioned about on every inch and detail of their lives =)
I'm still busy and i'm going to get everything done soon. I've got plans for the next 2 years.It's hard but i'm getting ass on it. Without anyone's help. Ridiculous or insane, that's what people would think. Only the closest people know what's going on. I've seen enough of plastic people. Another few more won't matter. Seriously, Bring it on.
Clubbing again with girls and the boys. Hope I won't miss the special finale and I swear not to get drunk again cause i'm not going to miss the fun!Baby will be going and I don't think he'll be too happy if i'm gonna overload myself again.Sheesh!
Anyways,Goodnight people...mwacks...xoxoxo
July 5, 2008

July 4, 2008

Have a great Friday people and don't forget to drink lots of water cause the weather's effin random and not to forget annoying....
July 3, 2008
Tired tired tired
So, I asked him (Nicely), "Uncle, sorry ah, but this doesn't look like OG?"
The mother effin cab driver replied (Shouting)," This is OG lor or you walk some more la than find la!"
I was like so fedup cause I was rushing and I wasn't feeling well. So, I was nice and paid him and went down. Tried to find my way and some guy was nice enough to direct me here and there. After my meeting, I went to get stuffs and went for another appointment.
Baby picked me up after my appointment and we had lunch nearby. My favourite usual place for Wanton Mee and guess what?I met another fugly person. I was waiting for my turn to order and this lady raised her voice at the stall owner. Not wanting to be a busybody, I totally act dumb and decided to just not bother.
Since, the rude lady's order was a takeaway, I wanted to take my tray and utensils. So, being a nice kid, I said, "Excuse me" and smiled at her.
The rude lady turned and said," Excuse me for what?You just walk la!"
I replied,"I'm only being polite.What is your problem?"
Rude Lady replies,"So rude!"
I ignored...
Rude Lady picks up her food and says,"You look like ****..."
I replied very casually and smiled, " Aunty, i'm so so sorry...but... you look like an old hag. " and I gave her a face to show her some sympathy.
The rude lady got so mad, she stomped off...haha...I was laughing and I was so amused. These people never ever fail to amuse me. I love them and somehow without them, life would be boring without entertainment. I should have given her DR ______ 's number to get some plastic surgery. She should maybe go for a nose job and some botox? I felt so sorry for that Aunty... and one more thing, who the hell is she to like scold me?Even my mom and dad aren't like that...
Anyways, i'm just happy and i'm much more laid back now.I got too many things to think of. I hardly have the energy to talk on the phone and I hardly have time to do what I want. Oh wells...After eating, baby and I went to get my materials and i've got to start and complete some stuffs.
Very very tired.Baby's just as tired after settling all that insurance stuffs and the car's gone for a week =(

Black satin and Linen Fabrics and other stuffs :)
I went nuts and bought $50 of accesories. I've got more than a few hundred stuffs from Diva.I love love love accesories :)

Baby, if you see this, I love you alot. I'm happy to have you around and you're amazing in everyway... lastnight's accident, made me realise that life would be empty without you. I'm glad you're okie and I still have you around. I meant it when I said you could use my current ring as our promise ring. I really don't need that crazy ring you were going to buy. Kays?
